
Andra&Andrei`s photo shoot

We prepare ourselves for 24th of may for a fairy tail wedding together with Andra and Andrei, but until then we start of with an engagement photo shoot. Even if I knew that the person in question were a little shy in front of the camera , Andrei in particular tried to show us the opposite of that by always having a good mood and being full of punch lines. Even if the location chosen , Mihail Kogalniceanu museum , required a more sober look , they handled it well , they understood what they had to do and they I think that these photos really suit their general mood. I can`t wait to see them again on the wedding day.

Comentarii 3

  1. Mariana Onofras2014-05-13

    Felicitari! Sa fie intr-un ceas bun! Va doresc tot bnele din lume!

  2. Anca Sandu2014-05-13

    Felicitari!!! Sunteti doi oameni frumosi si va doresc sa aveti o nunta ca in povesti, sa fiti sanatosi si fericiti!!

  3. Iulian cel Antohi2014-05-13

    Mai mai mai!!! Ce copii frumosi :) Sa va bucurati unul de celalalt, ca si pana acum! Doamne ajuta! :)

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